Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Bargain Shopping in Seoul

I'm still in Pangyo until the end of this week. If I were to live in Korea, I think I'd prefer to live somewhere like Pangyo instead of in Seoul. The air is clear and the population isn't as dense. There are even single homes here!...which probably means that those homeowners have a lot of money. Yesterday it rained all day, but I got a chance to explore the coffee shops and boutiques of Pangyo. I bought some make-up and have been learning how to whiten and brighten my skin with skin-care masks, haha. When in Korea, do as the Koreans do! I have the make-up, so now I just need to get a perm and my journey in Korea will be complete (Just kidding).

Beans Bins in Pangyo. I spent the whole rainy day here to plan the rest of my stay in Korea.

I was complaining to my cousin about how everything in Korea is too expensive, so we took a trip to an underground shopping mall at the Express Terminal near Gangnam. The clothes they sold there are a lot more affordable than I've seen anywhere so far. You can get clothes and accessories for anywhere from $1-$30+. I also browsed around Shinsegae mall since that was nearby. Shinsegae mall has a lot of high-end brand stores like Chanel and Hermes, but those products are about double the price that they are in the US (Not that I can afford them either way). There are some nice (read: much more affordable) Korean brands on the upper levels though, so I did a little shopping there.

I thought I was going to have a hard time finding clothes in Korea, but I'm a size small in the US and I'm still a size small in Korea! The fashion in Korea isn't really to my tastes, but maybe I'll try it out just for kicks. I've also started drinking a lot of coffee since coming here. I really like Americano...iced and hot. I don't even know what an Americano is, but it's delicious.

Underground mall - Bus Terminal
Tomorrow I'll be going to Insadong to do some tea shopping!

1 comment:

  1. Irene,
    Looks like you are having lots of fun. So glad your mom shared your blog with me!

