Friday, June 21, 2013

Clubbing in Korea

I'm getting too old for this...but last night, after waking up early, going hiking in Chuncheon, taking the train back to Seoul, eating dinner out, packing and moving to another relative's house,...I went clubbing in Gangnam until 7 am. I was just following people, so I don't know the names of the clubs I went to, but the first one was PACKED...there was a guest DJ there, pretty famous from what my cousin tells me. I think his name was Dynamic 2 or Dynamic Q or...something, I don't remember. I'm not up to date with any pop culture in any part of the world. The second one was an Electronica club. That was fun.

My comments on the differences between club atmospheres in Korea and in the US:

First major difference I noticed was that hardly any girls and guys dance together, and not a lot of people look like they're enjoying themselves. Most of the people are just standing stiff, bobbing their heads up and down. I think the atmosphere is best compared to a highschool dance in the US. Some people are dancing, but most people are in a circle, watching the one guy in the center that can't really dance well, but is dancing with so much passion that you can't help but laugh/be impressed/be entertained. Then there's the awkward circle that's just full of guys with the one girl in the center dancing like a's all good though, they had free alcohol! Other things that I noticed:

  1. A lot of girls wear white dresses to the club. I was also wearing a white dress that I borrowed from my cousin...and drinking a red Smirnoff cocktail...while jumping up and down and trying to maneuver my way around the club. My dress made it out of the club nice and clean though. My cousin's outfit was not as fortunate, but she was smart and not wearing white.
  2. Some people (mostly guys) in Korea pay to reserve tables in the club, and then try to convince girls to come and drink with them...but their pick-up lines could use some work. One person came up to me and said "Come drink with me, I'm a Seoul University student!" (Equivalent to "Be impressed, I go to Yale")...Hmm. 
  3. The club is open until 9AM! Which I actually like. I think it's safer to wait in the club until the sun comes out than it is to try and find your way home at 2 am when the clubs close like they do in the US. Also, most of the restaurants around big club areas are open 24 hours, so after we were done dancing, my cousin and I went to go eat breakfast at 5 am. That was fun! And then we got home and passed out.
I had a lot of fun though! It was interesting to see what clubs are like in Korea. I still prefer clubs in the US since I'm used to seeing a more diverse group of people...but there are aspects of Korean nightlife that I really enjoy too!


  1. Was the guy good looking? kekeke probably not, huh? Which cousin is it? the one my age?

  2. sweettt that sounds awesome. that intro line aint too bad a bit cocky haha.
