Sunday, June 16, 2013

Peak hours on Public Transportation

Yesterday, I went to meet my friend for dinner who had come from outside Seoul for a day trip. The day ended around 10pm and I tried to find my way back home by using the subway and bus system. When I got on the subway...first, I went in the wrong direction and didn't realize until I was about 4 stops down. I had to get off and transfer back to the other direction. The first time I tried to find the opposite train, I accidentally got on a train going in the wrong direction AGAIN (I don't know) and then FINALLY I ended up on the right one, except it was A NIGHTMARE. The train was PACKED with so many people, most of them drunk. I was pushed up so close to the door that my face was literally an inch from hitting the window. I had to grab onto the sides of the door so that I wouldn't get pushed through the doors onto the tracks. And then of course when I tried to get off the train, the exit was through the door on the opposite side of the train that I was standing on. I pushed my way through the crowd of people while saying "Excuse me, please let me off here"...but people just gave me weird looks, and one foreign couple even said "Oh my god" as they tried to get out of my way. A nice lady finally said "Don't ask people to let you off, just get off!" and gave me a hard shove to get me through all of the people (Not without some struggles first: my purse got stuck as I was walking out). And that was my experience at a busy hour in Seoul...never doing that again.

And then I got off the train and tried to find the bus stop (This was around 11pm) and failed. I walked around and found a neon cross that I can see from my room window...I walked towards it assuming I'd find my apartment complex, but nope! Ends up there are multiple of those churches pretty much on every block. Eventually, I just had to be picked up, because I was walking around by myself and looking really stupid!...and that was my second adventure trying to travel around Seoul alone. Not very successful!

1 comment:

  1. So adventurous, Irene. I admire you having such a good time on your own!
