Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Traveling Solo

I hadn't had to travel alone around Seoul yet, but yesterday I gave it a try! Since I'd already had time to get used to using the subway and bus, I figured I'd be able to handle it. The plan was to visit Jogyesa Buddhist Temple and then walk around Samcheongdong-gil, which is a street ("gil") known for having a lot of traditional style buildings, then work my way around to a Hanok village, which is also traditional style, and then find my way to Changdeokgoong (Palace) if I had time. I found my way to the temple and walked up Samcheondong-gil, but then got lost somewhere, walked around in a rich neighborhood with lots of security guards and somehow found my way to Changdeokgoong, just in time for the last English tour! That was lucky. Traveling alone is lonely, but I found a married couple from Australia to travel around the palace with. That was my first experience with striking up a random conversation with someone that I'm most likely never going to see again, but they were fun!
Jogyesa Buddhist Temple

This is me being lost

This is also me being lost

Changdeokgoong Secret Garden

At Changdeokgoong, I did the Secret Garden tour, which you have to pay extra money for, but I would say it was worth it. We were the last tour before the palace closed for the day, so the grounds were empty, which made everything seem more peaceful. The tour guide at Changdeokgoong was also much easier to understand than at Gyeongbokgoong, which is another palace that I went to before. If you only have time to go to one palace, definitely go to Changdeokgoong and do the Secret Garden tour.
Changdeokgoong Secret Garden

Today, my uncle and I hiked along the wall of the old Seoul border, which has 4 gates I think? I wasn't allowed to take many pictures, because the Blue House (Korea's version of the White House) was too close to where we were hiking. The whole trail is made of windy steps that go to the top of the mountain and there are soldiers all along the trail. You have to go up and down stairs and up and down and up and down and it's not the best thing to do if you have bad knees. Also, it was really hot. ALSO, I had to bring my passport. But it was definitely a workout! For lunch, we went to a local market to have some dukkbokki (spicy rice cake).

Tomorrow, I'll be exploring more of Korea's street markets and then this weekend, I'll be going to Jeju Island!


  1. Beautiful pictures of the places that you visited. Really getting a sense of what you are seeing in person.

  2. You should post more often :) I wants to see some more posts.
